Atomistry » Sodium » PDB 2ok7-2ozt
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Sodium in PDB, part 38 (files: 1481-1520), PDB 2ok7-2ozt

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Sodium (Na) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Sodium atoms. PDB files: 1481-1520 (PDB 2ok7-2ozt).
  1. 2ok7 (Na: 1) - Ferredoxin-Nadp+ Reductase From Plasmodium Falciparum with 2'P-Amp
  2. 2okq (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Unknown Conserved Ybaa Protein From Shigella Flexneri
  3. 2oln (Na: 1) - Nikd, An Unusual Amino Acid Oxidase Essential For Nikkomycin Biosynthesis: Closed Form at 1.15 A Resolution
  4. 2omd (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Molybdopterin Converting Factor Subunit 2 (AQ_2181) From Aquifex Aeolicus VF5
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  5. 2omg (Na: 1) - Structure of Human Insulin Cocrystallized with Protamine and Urea
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Zn (1);
  6. 2omh (Na: 1) - Structure of Human Insulin Cocrystallized with Arg-12 Peptide in Presence of Urea
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Zn (1);
  7. 2oni (Na: 1) - Catalytic Domain of the Human NEDD4-Like E3 Ligase
  8. 2onj (Na: 4) - Structure of the Multidrug Abc Transporter SAV1866 From S. Aureus in Complex with Amp-Pnp
  9. 2onm (Na: 17) - Human Mitochondrial Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Asian Variant, ALDH2*2, Complexed with Nad+
  10. 2onp (Na: 8) - ARG475GLN Mutant of Human Mitochondrial Aldehyde Dehydrogenase, Complexed with Nad+
    Other atoms: Mg (8);
  11. 2oo1 (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Bromo Domain 2 of Human Bromodomain Containing Protein 3 (BRD3)
  12. 2ooq (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Human Receptor Phosphatase Ptprt
  13. 2opg (Na: 1) - The Crystal Structure of the 10TH Pdz Domain of Mpdz
  14. 2oph (Na: 1) - Human Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV in Complex with An Alpha Amino Acid Inhibitor
    Other atoms: F (2);
  15. 2opl (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Osmc-Like Protein From Geobacter Sulfurreducens at 1.50 A Resolution
  16. 2oq4 (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Dna Repair Enzyme Endonuclease- VIII (Nei) From E. Coli (E2Q) in Complex with Ap-Site Containing Dna Substrate
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  17. 2orf (Na: 1) - Directing Macromolecular Conformation Through Halogen Bonds
    Other atoms: Br (1);
  18. 2orh (Na: 2) - Directing Macromolecular Conformation Through Halogen Bonds
  19. 2osw (Na: 4) - Endo-Glycoceramidase II From Rhodococcus Sp.
  20. 2osx (Na: 4) - Endo-Glycoceramidase II From Rhodococcus Sp.: Ganglioside GM3 Complex
  21. 2osy (Na: 2) - Endo-Glycoceramidase II From Rhodococcus Sp.: Lactosyl- Enzyme Intermediate
  22. 2ot9 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Yaeq Protein From Pseudomonas Syringae
  23. 2otj (Na: 86) - 13-Deoxytedanolide Bound to the Large Subunit of Haloarcula Marismortui
    Other atoms: Mg (117); K (2); Cd (5); Cl (22);
  24. 2otl (Na: 85) - Girodazole Bound to the Large Subunit of Haloarcula Marismortui
    Other atoms: Mg (116); K (2); Cd (5); Cl (23);
  25. 2otm (Na: 3) - Crystal Structure of A Putative Endoribonuclease From Shewanella Oneidensis at 1.85 A Resolution
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  26. 2ouw (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Alkylhydroperoxidase Ahpd Core (YP_425393.1) From Rhodospirillum Rubrum Atcc 11170 at 1.95 A Resolution
  27. 2ov0 (Na: 1) - Structure of the Blue Copper Protein Amicyanin to 0.75 A Resolution
    Other atoms: Cu (1);
  28. 2ovl (Na: 4) - Crystal Structure of A Racemase From Streptomyces Coelicolor A3(2)
  29. 2owd (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of TTHB049 From Thermus Thermophilus HB8
  30. 2owg (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of PH0725 From Pyrococcus Horikoshii OT3
  31. 2owu (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of PH0725 From Pyrococcus Horikoshii OT3
  32. 2oyc (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Human Pyridoxal Phosphate Phosphatase
    Other atoms: W (1);
  33. 2oyk (Na: 4) - Endo-Glycoceramidase II From Rhodococcus Sp.: Cellobiose- Like Isofagomine Complex
  34. 2oyl (Na: 4) - Endo-Glycoceramidase II From Rhodococcus Sp.: Cellobiose- Like Imidazole Complex
  35. 2oym (Na: 2) - Endo-Glycoceramidase II From Rhodococcus Sp.: Five-Membered Iminocyclitol Complex
  36. 2oyn (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Cdp-Bound Protein MJ0056 From Methanococcus Jannaschii, Pfam DUF120
  37. 2oz3 (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of L-Rhamnonate Dehydratase From Azotobacter Vinelandii
  38. 2oz9 (Na: 1) - E. Coli Trp Holorepressor, Orthorhombic Crystal Form
  39. 2ozq (Na: 5) - Crystal Structure of Apo-Mup
    Other atoms: Cd (2);
  40. 2ozt (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of O-Succinylbenzoate Synthase From Thermosynechococcus Elongatus Bp-1
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 11:32:33 2025

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