Sodium in PDB, part 27 (files: 1041-1080),
PDB 2bii-2c8x
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Sodium (Na) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Sodium atoms. PDB files: 1041-1080 (PDB 2bii-2c8x).
2bii (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Nitrate-Reducing Fragment of Assimilatory Nitrate Reductase From Pichia Angusta
Other atoms:
Mo (2);
2biv (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Wild-Type Mbt Domains of Human SCML2
Other atoms:
I (10);
2bjb (Na: 1) - Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Epsp Synthase in Unliganded State
2bl2 (Na: 10) - The Membrane Rotor of the V-Type Atpase From Enterococcus Hirae
2ble (Na: 3) - Structure of Human Guanosine Monophosphate Reductase GMPR1 in Complex with Gmp
2bmi (Na: 2) - Metallo-Beta-Lactamase
Other atoms:
Zn (4);
2bnl (Na: 3) - The Structure of the N-Terminal Domain of Rsbr
2bok (Na: 1) - Factor Xa - Cation
2bpu (Na: 1) - The Kedge Holmium Derivative of Hen Egg-White Lysozyme at High Resolution From Single Wavelength Anomalous Diffraction
Other atoms:
Ho (3);
Cl (3);
2bqa (Na: 1) - Contribution of Hydrophobic Effect to the Conformational Stability of Human Lysozyme
2bqb (Na: 1) - Contribution of Hydrophobic Effect to the Conformational Stability of Human Lysozyme
2bqc (Na: 1) - Contribution of Hydrophobic Effect to the Conformational Stability of Human Lysozyme
2bqd (Na: 1) - Contribution of Hydrophobic Effect to the Conformational Stability of Human Lysozyme
2bqe (Na: 1) - Contribution of Hydrophobic Effect to the Conformational Stability of Human Lysozyme
2bqf (Na: 1) - Contribution of Hydrophobic Effect to the Conformational Stability of Human Lysozyme
2bqj (Na: 1) - Contribution of Hydrophobic Effect to the Conformational Stability of Human Lysozyme
2bql (Na: 1) - Contribution of Hydrophobic Effect to the Conformational Stability of Human Lysozyme
2bqn (Na: 1) - Contribution of Hydrophobic Effect to the Conformational Stability of Human Lysozyme
2bqo (Na: 1) - Contribution of Hydrophobic Effect to the Conformational Stability of Human Lysozyme
2bs2 (Na: 2) - Quinol:Fumarate Reductase From Wolinella Succinogenes
Other atoms:
Fe (22);
2bs3 (Na: 2) - Glu C180 -> Gln Variant Quinol:Fumarate Reductase From Wolinella Succinogenes
Other atoms:
Fe (22);
2bs4 (Na: 2) - Glu C180 -> Ile Variant Quinol:Fumarate Reductase From Wolinella Succinogenes
Other atoms:
Fe (22);
2bt3 (Na: 1) - Agao in Complex with Ruthenium-C4-Wire at 1.73 Angstroms
Other atoms:
Ru (2);
Cu (1);
2bwu (Na: 1) - ASP271ALA Escherichia Coli Aminopeptidase P
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
2by4 (Na: 1) - Sr Ca(2+)-Atpase in the HNE2 State Complexed with the Thapsigargin Derivative Boc-12ADT.
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
2bz8 (Na: 2) - N-Terminal SH3 Domain of CIN85 Bound to Cbl-B Peptide
2bzd (Na: 3) - Galactose Recognition By the Carbohydrate-Binding Module of A Bacterial Sialidase.
2c0g (Na: 1) - Structure of Pdi-Related Chaperone, Wind Mutant-Y53S
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
2c18 (Na: 2) - 5-(4-Carboxy-2-Oxo-Butane-1-Sulfonyl)-4-Oxo-Pentanoic Acid Bound to Porphobilinogen Synthase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Other atoms:
Mg (7);
Cl (2);
2c19 (Na: 2) - 5-(4-Carboxy-2-Oxo-Butylsulfanyl)-4-Oxo-Pentanoic Acid Acid Bound to Porphobilinogen Synthase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
2c21 (Na: 2) - Specificity of the Trypanothione-Dependednt Leishmania Major Glyoxalase I: Structure and Biochemical Comparison with the Human Enzyme
Other atoms:
Ni (6);
2c37 (Na: 1) - Rnase pH Core of the Archaeal Exosome in Complex with U8 Rna
Other atoms:
Cl (12);
2c3a (Na: 2) - Structure of Unliganded Hsv Gd Reveals A Mechanism For Receptor-Mediated Activation of Virus Entry
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
Zn (5);
2c3f (Na: 3) - The Structure of A Group A Streptococcal Phage-Encoded Tail-Fibre Showing Hyaluronan Lyase Activity.
2c7g (Na: 1) - Fpra From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: HIS57GLN Mutant
2c88 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of (Sr) Calcium-Atpase E2(Tg):Amppcp Form
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
2c8k (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of (Sr) Calcium-Atpase E2(Tg) with Partially Occupied Amppcp Site
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
2c8l (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of (Sr) Calcium-Atpase E2(Tg) Form
2c8w (Na: 1) - Thrombin Inhibitors
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
2c8x (Na: 1) - Thrombin Inhibitors
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:52:39 2025