Atomistry » Sodium » PDB 4z50-4zls
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Sodium in PDB, part 134 (files: 5321-5360), PDB 4z50-4zls

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Sodium (Na) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Sodium atoms. PDB files: 5321-5360 (PDB 4z50-4zls).
  1. 4z50 (Na: 4) - Crystal Structure of Multidrug Resistant Hiv-1 Protease Clinical Isolate PR20D25N with Tucked Flap
    Other atoms: Cl (9);
  2. 4z5y (Na: 1) - The 1.56-Angstrom Crystal Structure of Copper(II)-Bound Pqqb From Pseudomonas Putida
    Other atoms: Cu (1); Zn (1);
  3. 4z67 (Na: 1) - The 1.5-Angstrom Crystal Structure of Mn(2+)-Bound Pqqb From Pseudomonas Putida
    Other atoms: Mn (1); Zn (1);
  4. 4z6c (Na: 2) - Structure of Human Dna Polymerase Beta 279NA Mutant Complexed with G in the Template Base Paired with Incoming Non-Hydrolyzable Ctp
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  5. 4z6d (Na: 2) - Structure of Human Dna Polymerase Beta 279NA Mutant Complexed with G in the Template Base Paired with Incoming Non-Hydrolyzable Ttp
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  6. 4z6e (Na: 2) - Structure of Human Dna Polymerase Beta 279NA Mutant Complexed with G in the Template Base Paired with Incoming Non-Hydrolyzable Ttp and Manganese
    Other atoms: Mn (2);
  7. 4z6f (Na: 2) - Structure of Human Dna Polymerase Beta 279NA Mutant Complexed with G in the Template Base Paired with Incoming Non-Hydrolyzable Ttp and Manganese
    Other atoms: Mn (2);
  8. 4z79 (Na: 3) - Leiomodin-1 Actin-Binding Site 2 (ABS2)
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  9. 4z7c (Na: 1) - Diphosphomevalonate Decarboxylase From the Sulfolobus Solfataricus, Space Group H32
  10. 4z7g (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Human IRE1 Cytoplasmic Kinase-Rnase Region - Apo
  11. 4z9d (Na: 2) - Ecplta
  12. 4z9n (Na: 6) - Abc Transporter / Periplasmic Binding Protein From Brucella Ovis with Glutathione Bound
  13. 4z9o (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Human GGT1
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  14. 4z9v (Na: 2) - Tctp Contains A BH3-Like Domain, Which Instead of Inhibiting, Activates Bcl-Xl
  15. 4zac (Na: 3) - Structure of S. Cerevisiae FDC1 with the Prenylated-Flavin Cofactor in the Iminium Form.
    Other atoms: K (4); Mn (4);
  16. 4zae (Na: 1) - Development of A Novel Class of Potent and Selective Fixa Inhibitors
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  17. 4zav (Na: 1) - Ubix in Complex with A Covalent Adduct Between Dimethylallyl Monophosphate and Reduced Fmn
  18. 4zaz (Na: 1) - Structure of Ubix Y169F in Complex with A Covalent Adduct Formed Between Reduced Fmn and Dimethylallyl Monophosphate
  19. 4zb6 (Na: 4) - Crystal Structure of Glutathione Transferase URE2P4 From Phanerochaete Chrysosporium in Complex with Oxidized Glutathione.
  20. 4zbk (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Human GGT1 in Complex with Ggstop Inhibitor
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  21. 4zc6 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Human GGT1 in Complex with Serine Borate
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  22. 4zcg (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Human GGT1 in Complex with Glutamate (with All Atoms of Glutamate)
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  23. 4zdm (Na: 2) - Pleurobrachia Bachei IGLUR3 Lbd Glycine Complex
  24. 4zg3 (Na: 6) - In-Vacuum Long-Wavelength Crystallography
  25. 4zg6 (Na: 4) - Structural Basis For Inhibition of Human Autotaxin By Four Novel Compounds
    Other atoms: F (2); Zn (4); Ca (2); Cl (2);
  26. 4zg7 (Na: 2) - Structural Basis For Inhibition of Human Autotaxin By Four Novel Compounds
    Other atoms: F (2); Zn (2); Ca (1); Cl (2);
  27. 4zg8 (Na: 6) - Crystal Structure of Endoglucanase From Perinereis Brevicirris
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Ca (2);
  28. 4zg9 (Na: 4) - Structural Basis For Inhibition of Human Autotaxin By Four Novel Compounds
    Other atoms: F (4); Zn (4); Ca (2);
  29. 4zh5 (Na: 5) - Crystal Structure of Endoglucanase From Perinereis Brevicirris with Cellobiose
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Ca (2);
  30. 4zhk (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of RPE65 in Complex with Mb-002
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  31. 4zi6 (Na: 6) - Crystal Structure of Leucine Aminopeptidase From Helicobacter Pylori
    Other atoms: Zn (12);
  32. 4zi8 (Na: 1) - Structure of Mouse Clustered PCDHGC3 EC1-3
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Ca (15);
  33. 4zip (Na: 3) - Hiv-1 Wild Type Protease with Grl-0648A (A Isophthalamide-Derived P2- Ligand)
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  34. 4zix (Na: 1) - Structure of Hewl Using Serial Femtosecond Crystallography of Soluble Proteins in Lipidic Cubic Phase
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  35. 4zju (Na: 1) - Structure of A Nadh-Dependent Enoyl-Acp Reductase From Acinetobacter Baumannii in Complex with Nad
  36. 4zk6 (Na: 4) - Crystallographic Capture of Quinolinate Synthase (Nada) From Pyrococcus Horikoshii in Its Substrates and Product-Bound States
    Other atoms: Fe (8); Cl (2);
  37. 4zke (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of the S. Cerevisiae SKI7 Gtpase-Like Domain, Bound to Gtp.
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  38. 4zky (Na: 1) - Structure of F420 Binding Protein, MSMEG_6526, From Mycobacterium Smegmatis
    Other atoms: I (1); Cl (1);
  39. 4zla (Na: 6) - Bestatin Complex Structure of Leucine Aminopeptidase From Helicobacter Pylori
    Other atoms: Zn (12);
  40. 4zls (Na: 1) - Hiv-1 Wild Type Protease with Grl-096-13A (A Boc-Derivative P2-Ligand, 3,-5-Dimethylbiphenyl P1-Ligand)
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:56:46 2025

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