Sodium in PDB, part 211 (files: 8401-8440),
PDB 6nyp-6ooi
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Sodium (Na) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Sodium atoms. PDB files: 8401-8440 (PDB 6nyp-6ooi).
6nyp (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of UL144/Btla Complex
6nyq (Na: 4) - Crystal Structure of Glycosylated Lysosomal Membrane Protein (Glmp) Luminal Domain Bound to A Fab Fragment
6nz8 (Na: 1) - Structure of Carbamylated Apo Oxa-231 Carbapenemase
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
6nzy (Na: 8) - Structural Determination of the Carboxy-Terminal Portion of Atp- Citrate Lyase
6o08 (Na: 1) - Gluconobacter Ene-Reductase (Gluer)
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
6o3a (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Frizzled 7 Crd in Complex with F7.B Fab
6o3c (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Active Smoothened Bound to SAG21K, Cholesterol, and NBSMO8
Other atoms:
F (2);
Cl (1);
6o48 (Na: 1) - Wild-Type Hiv-1 Protease in Complex with A Substrate Analog Ca-P2
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
6o4y (Na: 4) - Structure of Hla-A2:01 with Peptide MM91
6o4z (Na: 6) - Structure of Hla-A2:01 with Peptide MM92
6o51 (Na: 5) - Structure of Hla-A2:01 with Peptide MM90
6o53 (Na: 2) - Structure of Hla-A2:01 with Peptide MM96
6o5e (Na: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Vitronectin Hemopexin-Like Domain
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
6o5x (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Multi-Drug Resistant Hiv-1 Protease Pr-S17 with Substrate Analog Ca-P2
Other atoms:
Cl (12);
6o6a (Na: 4) - Structure of the TRPM8 Cold Receptor By Single Particle Electron Cryo- Microscopy, Ligand-Free State
6o6j (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Ljcastor Gating Ring in the CA2+ and Na+ Condition
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
Ca (3);
6o6r (Na: 8) - Structure of the TRPM8 Cold Receptor By Single Particle Electron Cryo- Microscopy, Amtb-Bound State
6o72 (Na: 8) - Structure of the TRPM8 Cold Receptor By Single Particle Electron Cryo- Microscopy, Tc-I 2014-Bound State
Other atoms:
F (24);
6o7c (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Ljcastor Gating Ring in the CA2+ and K+ State
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
K (1);
Ca (3);
6o7s (Na: 2) - Nitrogenase Mofep Mutant S188A From Azotobacter Vinelandii in the Indigo Carmine Oxidized State
Other atoms:
Mo (2);
Fe (28);
6o8g (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Uvrb Bound to Fully Duplex Dna
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
6o93 (Na: 1) - D-Alanyl Transferase Dltd From Enterococcus Faecalis
Other atoms:
Cl (3);
6o9h (Na: 2) - Mouse Ecd with FAB1
6obh (Na: 6) - Structure of Hiv-1 Ca 1/2-Hexamer
6oe6 (Na: 2) - Structure of A Uncharacterized Protein From Leptospira Interrogans Serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae Serovar Copenhageni (Strain Fiocruz L1- 130)
6of5 (Na: 5) - The Crystal Structure of Dodecyloxy(Naphthalen-1-Yl)Methylphosphonic Acid in Complex with Red Kidney Bean Purple Acid Phosphatase
Other atoms:
Zn (4);
Fe (4);
6ofd (Na: 5) - The Crystal Structure of Octadecyloxy(Naphthalen-1-Yl)Methylphosphonic Acid in Complex with Red Kidney Bean Purple Acid Phosphatase
Other atoms:
Zn (4);
Fe (4);
Cl (1);
6ok1 (Na: 2) - LTP2-CHSH2(DUF35) Aldolase
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
Cl (7);
6okf (Na: 2) - Crosslinked Crystal Structure of Type II Fatty Acid Synthase Ketosynthase, Fabb, and C16-Crypto Acyl Carrier Protein, Acpp
6okg (Na: 1) - Crosslinked Crystal Structure of Type II Fatty Acid Synthase Ketosynthase, Fabf, and C16-Crypto Acyl Carrier Protein, Acpp
6okz (Na: 7) - Structure of Vcindy Bound to Fumarate
6ol0 (Na: 6) - Structure of Vcindy Bound to Malate
6ol1 (Na: 8) - Structure of Vcindy in Complex with Succinate
6ol8 (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ndm-12 Metallo-Beta-Lactamase in Complex with Hydrolyzed Ampicillin
Other atoms:
Cl (5);
Zn (4);
6ome (Na: 4) - Crystal Structure of A Probable Cytosol Aminopeptidase (Leucine Aminopeptidase, Lap) From Chlamydia Trachomatis D/Uw-3/Cx
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
Zn (2);
6omg (Na: 5) - Structure of Mouse CD1D- Glc-Dag (Sn-1 C18:0, Sn-2 C18:1C9)-Inkt Tcr Ternary Complex
6on9 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Zig-8-Rig-5 IG1-IG1 Heterodimer, Tetragonal Form
6ont (Na: 2) - Structure of the Francisella Response Regulator 1452 Receiver Domain
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
Cl (1);
6oog (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Triosephosphate Isomerase From Taenia Solium in Complex with 2PG
6ooi (Na: 8) - Crystal Structure of Triosephosphate Isomerase From Schistosoma Mansoni in Complex with 2PG
Other atoms:
Cl (6);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:59:44 2025