Sodium in PDB, part 209 (files: 8321-8360),
PDB 6myw-6nfx
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Sodium (Na) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Sodium atoms. PDB files: 8321-8360 (PDB 6myw-6nfx).
6myw (Na: 7) - Gluconobacter Ene-Reductase (Gluer) Mutant - T36A
6mz1 (Na: 2) - Ctx-M-14 Class A Beta-Lactamase in Complex with Avibactam at pH 5.3
Other atoms:
K (4);
6mz2 (Na: 4) - Ctx-M-14 Class A Beta-Lactamase in Complex with Avibactam at pH 7.9
Other atoms:
K (13);
6n1c (Na: 4) - Crystal Structure of Inorganic Pyrophosphatase From Legionella Pneumophila Philadelphia 1
6n2r (Na: 2) - Binary Complex Crystal Structure of Dna Polymerase Beta with 5- Carboxy-Dc (5-Cac) at the Templating Position
6n2s (Na: 2) - Ternary Complex Crystal Structure of Dna Polymerase Beta with 5- Carboxy-Dc (5-Cac) at the Templating Position
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
6n2t (Na: 2) - Ternary Complex Crystal Structure of Dna Polymerase Beta with 5- Hydroxymethyl-Dc (5-Hmc) at the Templating Position
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
6n2v (Na: 1) - Manganese Riboswitch From Xanthmonas Oryzae Bound to Mn(II)
Other atoms:
Sr (9);
Mg (39);
Mn (7);
6n6a (Na: 1) - Vibrio Cholerae Oligoribonuclease Bound to Pgg
6n6c (Na: 1) - Vibrio Cholerae Oligoribonuclease Bound to Paa
6n6d (Na: 1) - Vibrio Cholerae Oligoribonuclease Bound to Pag
6n6e (Na: 1) - Vibrio Cholerae Oligoribonuclease Bound to Pga
6n6f (Na: 1) - Vibrio Cholerae Oligoribonuclease Bound to Pgc
6n6g (Na: 1) - Vibrio Cholerae Oligoribonuclease Bound to Pcg
6n6h (Na: 1) - Vibrio Cholerae Oligoribonuclease Bound to Pcpu
6n6i (Na: 2) - Human REXO2 Bound to Pgg
6n6j (Na: 2) - Human REXO2 Bound to Paa
6n6k (Na: 2) - Human REXO2 Bound to Pag
6n91 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Adenosine Deaminase From Vibrio Cholerae Complexed with Pentostatin (Deoxycoformycin)
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
6n9h (Na: 1) - De Novo Designed Homo-Trimeric Amantadine-Binding Protein
6naf (Na: 1) - De Novo Designed Homo-Trimeric Amantadine-Binding Protein
6nax (Na: 2) - Olfactomedin Domain of Mouse Myocilin
Other atoms:
K (1);
Ca (2);
6nbp (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Sugar N-Formyltransferase From the Plant Pathogen Pantoea Ananatis
6nc6 (Na: 1) - Lipid II Flippase Murj, Inward Closed Conformation
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
Cl (6);
6nc8 (Na: 1) - Lipid II Flippase Murj, Inward Occluded Conformation
6nc9 (Na: 1) - Lipid II Flippase Murj, Outward-Facing Conformation
6nd8 (Na: 6) - Rhodocetin in Complex with the Integrin ALPHA2-A Domain and Barium
Other atoms:
Ba (6);
Cl (9);
6nd9 (Na: 5) - Rhodocetin in Complex with the Integrin ALPHA2-A Domain with Calcium
Other atoms:
Cl (3);
Ca (6);
6nda (Na: 6) - Rhodocetin in Complex with the Integrin ALPHA2-A Domain and Cadmium
Other atoms:
Cd (6);
Cl (9);
6ndb (Na: 6) - Rhodocetin in Complex with the Integrin ALPHA2-A Domain and Cobalt
Other atoms:
Co (6);
Cl (9);
6ndc (Na: 6) - Rhodocetin in Complex with the Integrin ALPHA2-A Domain with Chromium Bound
Other atoms:
Cr (6);
Cl (9);
6ndd (Na: 6) - Rhodocetin in Complex with the Integrin ALPHA2-A Domain with Manganese Bound
Other atoms:
Mn (6);
Cl (9);
6nde (Na: 6) - Rhodocetin in Complex with the Integrin ALPHA2-A Domain with Prasedymium
Other atoms:
Pr (6);
Cl (9);
6ndf (Na: 6) - Rhodocetin in Complex with the Integrin ALPHA2-A Domain with Strontium
Other atoms:
Sr (6);
Cl (9);
6ndg (Na: 6) - Rhodocetin in Complex with the Integrin ALPHA2-A Domain with Yttrium Bound
Other atoms:
Y (6);
Cl (9);
6ndh (Na: 6) - Rhodocetin in Complex with the Integrin ALPHA2-A Domain and Zinc
Other atoms:
Cl (9);
Zn (6);
6ndn (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Selenocysteine Lyase From Escherichia Coli
6ne6 (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Heterotrimeric G-Protein Alpha Subunit GALPHA7 From Naegleria Fowleri
6nfp (Na: 3) - 1.7 Angstrom Resolution Crystal Structure of Arginase From Bacillus Subtilis Subsp. Subtilis Str. 168
Other atoms:
Mg (12);
Cl (10);
6nfx (Na: 1) - MBTD1 Mbt Repeats
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:59:39 2025