Atomistry » Sodium » PDB 4adn-4b16
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Sodium in PDB, part 91 (files: 3601-3640), PDB 4adn-4b16

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Sodium (Na) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Sodium atoms. PDB files: 3601-3640 (PDB 4adn-4b16).
  1. 4adn (Na: 8) - Fusidic Acid Resistance Protein Fusb
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Zn (2);
  2. 4ae4 (Na: 1) - The UBAP1 Subunit of Escrt-I Interacts with Ubiquitin Via A Novel Souba Domain
    Other atoms: K (4);
  3. 4af8 (Na: 4) - The Structural Basis For Metacaspase Substrate Specificity and Activation
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  4. 4afk (Na: 2) - In Meso Structure of Alginate Transporter, Alge, From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, PAO1
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  5. 4afx (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Reactive Loop Cleaved Zpi in I2 Space Group
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  6. 4afy (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Fimx Eal Domain in Complex with Reaction Product Pgpg
    Other atoms: Mg (3);
  7. 4ag2 (Na: 5) - Human Chymase - Fynomer Complex
  8. 4aga (Na: 1) - Hofmeister Effects of Ionic Liquids in Protein Crystallization: Direct and Water-Mediated Interactions
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  9. 4agt (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Fucose Binding Lectin From Aspergillus Fumigatus (Afl) in Complex with FUC1-6GLCNAC.
  10. 4ain (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Betp with Asymmetric Protomers.
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  11. 4ajx (Na: 2) - Ligand Controlled Assembly of Hexamers, Dihexamers, and Linear Multihexamer Structures By An Engineered Acylated Insulin
    Other atoms: Zn (2);
  12. 4ak1 (Na: 2) - Structure of BT4661, A Suse-Like Surface Located Polysaccharide Binding Protein From the Bacteroides Thetaiotaomicron Heparin Utilisation Locus
  13. 4ak2 (Na: 2) - Structure of BT4661, A Suse-Like Surface Located Polysaccharide Binding Protein From the Bacteroides Thetaiotaomicron Heparin Utilisation Locus
  14. 4alo (Na: 3) - Structure and Properties of H1 Crustacyanin From Lobster Homarus Americanus
  15. 4amj (Na: 2) - Turkey BETA1 Adrenergic Receptor with Stabilising Mutations and Bound Biased Agonist Carvedilol
  16. 4ano (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure Geobacillus Thermodenitrificans Essb Cytoplasmic Fragment
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  17. 4ao5 (Na: 5) - B. Subtilis Prophage Dutpase Yoss in Complex with Dump
  18. 4aob (Na: 4) - Sam-I Riboswitch Containing the T. Solenopsae Kt-23 in Complex with S-Adenosyl Methionine
    Other atoms: Ba (15); K (8);
  19. 4apt (Na: 1) - The Structure of the Axh Domain of Ataxin-1.
  20. 4aqp (Na: 3) - The Structure of the Axh Domain of Ataxin-1.
  21. 4aru (Na: 1) - Hafnia Alvei Phytase in Complex with Tartrate
    Other atoms: K (1); Cl (2);
  22. 4asl (Na: 5) - Structure of EPA1A in Complex with the T-Antigen (Gal-B1-3-Galnac)
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  23. 4atf (Na: 4) - Crustal Structure of Inactivated Mutant Beta-Agarase B in Complex with Agaro-Octaose
  24. 4auc (Na: 1) - Bovine Chymosin in Complex with Pepstatin A
    Other atoms: Cd (1);
  25. 4aw1 (Na: 2) - Human PDK1 Kinase Domain in Complex with Allosteric Compound PS210 Bound to the Pif-Pocket
    Other atoms: F (3); Mn (1); Cl (3);
  26. 4aw8 (Na: 2) - X-Ray Structure of Zint From Salmonella Enterica in Complex with Zinc Ion and Peg
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  27. 4ax9 (Na: 2) - Human Thrombin Complexed with Napsagatran, RO0466240
  28. 4ayo (Na: 1) - Structure of the GH47 Processing Alpha-1,2-Mannosidase From Caulobacter Strain K31
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  29. 4ayp (Na: 1) - Structure of the GH47 Processing Alpha-1,2-Mannosidase From Caulobacter Strain K31 in Complex with Thiomannobioside
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  30. 4ayq (Na: 1) - Structure of the GH47 Processing Alpha-1,2-Mannosidase From Caulobacter Strain K31 in Complex with Mannoimidazole
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  31. 4ayr (Na: 1) - Structure of the GH47 Processing Alpha-1,2-Mannosidase From Caulobacter Strain K31 in Complex with Noeuromycin
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  32. 4ayv (Na: 1) - Human Thrombin - Inhibitor Complex
  33. 4ayy (Na: 1) - Human Thrombin - Inhibitor Complex
  34. 4azj (Na: 3) - Structural Basis of L-Phosphoserine Binding to Bacillus Alcalophilus Phosphoserine Aminotransferase
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  35. 4azy (Na: 1) - Design and Synthesis of BACE1 Inhibitors with in Vivo Brain Reduction of Beta-Amyloid Peptides (Compound 10)
    Other atoms: F (5);
  36. 4b05 (Na: 1) - Preclinical Characterization of AZD3839, A Novel Clinical Candidate BACE1 Inhibitor For the Treatment of Alzheimer Disease
    Other atoms: F (3);
  37. 4b0o (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Soman-Aged Human Butyrylcholinesterase in Complex with Benzyl Pyridinium-4-Methyltrichloroacetimidate
    Other atoms: Br (1); Cl (11); Ca (2);
  38. 4b0p (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Soman-Aged Human Butyrylcholinesterase in Complex with Methyl 2-(Pentafluorobenzyloxyimino) Pyridinium
    Other atoms: F (5); K (1); Ca (4); Cl (4);
  39. 4b15 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Tamarind Chitinase Like Lectin (Tcll)
  40. 4b16 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Tamarind Chitinase Like Lectin (Tcll) Complexed with N-Acetyl Glucosamine (Glcnac)
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 17:55:07 2025

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