Atomistry » Sodium » PDB 2r25-2uyz
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Sodium in PDB, part 42 (files: 1641-1680), PDB 2r25-2uyz

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Sodium (Na) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Sodium atoms. PDB files: 1641-1680 (PDB 2r25-2uyz).
  1. 2r25 (Na: 1) - Complex of YPD1 and SLN1-R1 with Bound MG2+ and BEF3-
    Other atoms: F (3); Mg (1);
  2. 2r35 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Rb Human Arg-Insulin
    Other atoms: Rb (1);
  3. 2r36 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ni Human Arg-Insulin
    Other atoms: Ni (4); Cl (1);
  4. 2r37 (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Human Glutathione Peroxidase 3 (Selenocysteine to Glycine Mutant)
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  5. 2r5o (Na: 5) - Crystal Structure of the C-Terminal Domain of Wzt
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  6. 2r5p (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure Analysis of Hiv-1 Subtype C Protease Complexed with Indinavir
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  7. 2r84 (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Purp From Pyrococcus Furiosus Complexed with Amp and Aicar
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  8. 2r85 (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Purp From Pyrococcus Furiosus Complexed with Amp
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  9. 2r86 (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Purp From Pyrococcus Furiosus Complexed with Atp
  10. 2ra9 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Protein of Unknown Function DUF1285 (YP_001050848.1) From Shewanella Baltica OS155 at 1.40 A Resolution
  11. 2rdh (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Staphylococcal Superantigen-Like Protein 11
  12. 2rdp (Na: 1) - The Structure of A Marr Family Protein From Bacillus Stearothermophilus
  13. 2ret (Na: 2) - The Crystal Structure of A Binary Complex of Two Pseudopilins: Epsi and Epsj From the Type 2 Secretion System of Vibrio Vulnificus
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  14. 2rg8 (Na: 3) - Crystal Structure of Programmed For Cell Death 4 Middle MA3 Domain
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  15. 2rgi (Na: 3) - Crystal Structure of CA2+-Free S100A2 at 1.6 A Resolution
  16. 2rh9 (Na: 1) - Tryptophan Synthase Complexed with Igp, Internal Aldimine, pH 9.0
  17. 2rhg (Na: 1) - Tryptophan Synthase Complexed with Igp, pH 7.0, Internal Aldimine
  18. 2rhj (Na: 1) - Synthetic Gene Encoded Bacillus Subtilis Ftsz with Two Sulfate Ions and Sodium Ion in the Nucleotide Pocket
  19. 2rht (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of the S112A Mutant of A C-C Hydrolase, Bphd From Burkholderia Xenovorans LB400, in Complex with 3- Cl Hopda
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  20. 2rhw (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of the S112A Mutant of A C-C Hydrolase, Bphd From Burkholderia Xenovorans LB400, in Complex with 3, 10-Di-Fluoro Hopda
    Other atoms: F (2);
  21. 2ri0 (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Glucosamine 6-Phosphate Deaminase (Nagb) From S. Mutans
  22. 2ri6 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of S112A Mutant of A C-C Hydrolase, Bphd From Burkholderia Xenovorans LB400
  23. 2rk7 (Na: 2) - The Structure of Rat Cytosolic Pepck in Complex with Oxalate
    Other atoms: Mn (4);
  24. 2rk8 (Na: 2) - The Structure of Rat Cytosolic Pepck in Complex with Phosphonoformate
    Other atoms: Mn (2);
  25. 2rka (Na: 2) - The Structure of Rat Cytosolic Pepck in Complex with Phosphoglycolate
    Other atoms: Mn (4);
  26. 2rkd (Na: 1) - The Structure of Rat Cytosolic Pepck in Complex with 3- Phosphonopropionate
    Other atoms: Mn (2);
  27. 2rke (Na: 1) - The Structure of Rat Cytosolic Pepck in Complex with Sulfoacetate.
    Other atoms: Mn (2);
  28. 2rtb (Na: 1) - Apostreptavidin, pH 3.32, Space Group I222
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  29. 2thf (Na: 1) - Structure of Human Alpha-Thrombin Y225F Mutant Bound to D- Phe-Pro-Arg-Chloromethylketone
  30. 2trs (Na: 1) - Crystal Structures of Mutant (BETAK87T) Tryptophan Synthase ALPHA2 BETA2 Complex with Ligands Bound to the Active Sites of the Alpha and Beta Subunits Reveal Ligand-Induced Conformational Changes
  31. 2tsy (Na: 1) - Crystal Structures of Mutant (BETAK87T) Tryptophan Synthase ALPHA2 BETA2 Complex with Ligands Bound to the Active Sites of the Alpha and Beta Subunits Reveal Ligand-Induced Conformational Changes
  32. 2tys (Na: 1) - Crystal Structures of Mutant (BETAK87T) Tryptophan Synthase ALPHA2 BETA2 Complex with Ligands Bound to the Active Sites of the Alpha and Beta Subunits Reveal Ligand-Induced Conformational Changes
  33. 2udp (Na: 1) - Udp-Galactose 4-Epimerase Complexed with Udp-Phenol
  34. 2uuf (Na: 1) - Thrombin-Hirugen Binary Complex at 1.26A Resolution
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  35. 2uuj (Na: 1) - Thrombin-Hirugen-GW473178 Ternary Complex at 1.32A Resolution
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  36. 2uuk (Na: 1) - Thrombin-Hirugen-GW420128 Ternary Complex at 1.39A Resolution
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  37. 2uvm (Na: 1) - Structure of Pkbalpha pH Domain in Complex with A Novel Inositol Headgroup Surrogate, Benzene 1,2,3,4- Tetrakisphosphate
  38. 2uw1 (Na: 2) - Ivy Desaturase Structure
    Other atoms: Fe (4);
  39. 2ux9 (Na: 4) - Crystal Structure of the T. Thermophilus Dodecin R65A Mutant
  40. 2uyz (Na: 1) - Non-Covalent Complex Between UBC9 and SUMO1
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 11:32:42 2025

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