Sodium in PDB, part 241 (files: 9601-9640),
PDB 7e21-7f4x
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Sodium (Na) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Sodium atoms. PDB files: 9601-9640 (PDB 7e21-7f4x).
7e21 (Na: 4) - Cryo Em Structure of A Na+-Bound Na+,K+-Atpase in the E1 State with Atp-Gamma-S
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
7e4a (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Mif Bound to Compound 13
Other atoms:
Cl (11);
7e4c (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Mif Bound to COMPOUND11
Other atoms:
Cl (13);
7e4e (Na: 30) - uc(Nmr) Solution Structures of Dna Minidumbbell Containing A N1- Methyladenine
7e50 (Na: 3) - Crystal Structure of Human Microplasmin in Complex with Kazal-Type Inhibitor Aati
7e5j (Na: 3) - Crystal Structure of Beta-Glucosidase From Thermoanaerobacterium Saccharolyticum
7e5q (Na: 8) - Crystal Structure of Dye Decolorizing Peroxidase From Bacillus Subtilis at Acidic pH
Other atoms:
Cl (9);
Fe (2);
7e9u (Na: 2) - Trehalase of Arabidopsis Thaliana
7eaf (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Sam-I Riboswitch with the Actinomyces-1 K-Turn
Other atoms:
Ba (6);
7edb (Na: 1) - ECOT38I Restriction Endonuclease Complexed with Dna
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
Ca (4);
7edt (Na: 1) - Rna Duplex Containing Cc Mispairs
Other atoms:
Br (2);
7eeb (Na: 2) - Structure of the Catspermasome
7egk (Na: 3) - Bicarbonate Transporter Complex Sbta-Sbtb Bound to Amp
7egl (Na: 1) - Bicarbonate Transporter Complex Sbta-Sbtb Bound to HCO3-
7ehf (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Aminoglycoside Resistance Methyltransferase NPMB1
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
7ei0 (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Falcipain 2 From 3D7 Strain
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
7emk (Na: 17) - Dendrorhynchus Zhejiangensis Ferritin
Other atoms:
Cl (21);
Fe (8);
7ep0 (Na: 4) - Crystal Structure of ZYG11B Bound to Gste Degron
7eqj (Na: 4) - Crystal Structure of E. Coli Valine Trna
Other atoms:
Mg (6);
7eqm (Na: 12) - Apo Truncated Vhchip (Delta 1-19)
Other atoms:
Mg (3);
7eqr (Na: 18) - Crystal Structure of Truncated (Delta 1-19) Chitoporin Vhchip From Vibrio Harveyi in Complex with Chitohexaose
7esk (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of A L-Rhamnose-Alpha-1,4-D-Glucuronate Lyase From Fusarium Oxysporum 12S, Ligand Free Form
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
7esl (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of A L-Rhamnose-Alpha-1,4-D-Glucuronate Lyase From Fusarium Oxysporum 12S, N247A N-Glycan Free Form
7esm (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of A L-Rhamnose-Alpha-1,4-D-Glucuronate Lyase From Fusarium Oxysporum 12S, L-Rha Complex
7ets (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Crp Protein From Gardnerella Vaginalis
7ev1 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Li-Cadherin EC1-2
Other atoms:
Ca (6);
7ev7 (Na: 4) - Bovine Heart Cytochrome C Oxidase in the Carbon Monoxide-Bound Fully Reduced State at A 50 K
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
Mg (2);
Fe (4);
Cu (6);
7evb (Na: 2) - Odinarchaeota Tubulin (Odintubulin) H393D Mutant, in A Protofilament Arrangement, Bound to 77% Gtp/23% and 2 Na+
7evc (Na: 2) - Odinarchaeota Tubulin (Odintubulin) H393D Mutant, in A Protofilament Arrangement, Bound to 60% Gtp/40% Gdp and 2 Na+
7evd (Na: 2) - Odinarchaeota Tubulin (Odintubulin) H393D Mutant, in A Protofilament Arrangement, Bound to 53% Gtp/47% and 2 Na+
7eve (Na: 2) - Odinarchaeota Tubulin (Odintubulin) H393D Mutant, in A Protofilament Arrangement, Bound to 100% Gdp and 2 Na+
7evi (Na: 1) - Odinarchaeota Tubulin (Odintubulin) H393D Mutant, in A Protofilament Arrangement, Bound to 79% Gtp, 21% Gdp, Na+, MG2+
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
7evk (Na: 2) - Odinarchaeota Tubulin (Odintubulin) H393D Mutant, in A Protofilament Arrangement, Bound to 78% Gtp, 22% Gdp, Na+
7evl (Na: 2) - Odinarchaeota Tubulin (Odintubulin) H393D Mutant, in A Protofilament Arrangement, Bound to 64% Gtp/36% Gdp and 2 Na+ in A Small Unit Cell
7exx (Na: 1) - The Structure of Dndg
7ey3 (Na: 2) - Double Cysteine Mutations in T1 Lipase
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
Zn (2);
Cl (2);
7ezw (Na: 1) - Cyclic Peptide That Interacts with the EIF4E Capped-Mrna Binding Site
7f0n (Na: 10) - Structure of Deamidated Ubiquitin
Other atoms:
K (1);
Mg (1);
7f35 (Na: 8) - Crystal Structure of Anti S-Gatifloxacin Antibody Fab Fragment in Complex with S-Gatifloxacin
Other atoms:
F (3);
Cl (1);
7f4x (Na: 1) - Joint Neutron and X-Ray Crystal Structure of the Nucleotide-Binding Domain of HSP72 in Complex with Adp
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 18:00:52 2025