Atomistry » Sodium » PDB 4xea-4xn0
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Sodium in PDB, part 130 (files: 5161-5200), PDB 4xea-4xn0

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Sodium (Na) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Sodium atoms. PDB files: 5161-5200 (PDB 4xea-4xn0).
  1. 4xea (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Putative M16-Like Peptidase From Alicyclobacillus Acidocaldarius
    Other atoms: Ni (1);
  2. 4xeb (Na: 1) - The Structure of P. Funicolosum CEL7A
    Other atoms: K (3); Cl (1);
  3. 4xel (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Inorganic Pyrophosphatase (Ppase) From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Cl (2);
  4. 4xen (Na: 1) - High Pressure Protein Crystallography of Hen Egg White Lysozyme in Complex with Tetra-N-Acetylchitotetraose at 920 Mpa
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  5. 4xfk (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Leucine-, Isoleucine-, Valine-, Threonine-, and Alanine-Binding Protein From Brucella Ovis
  6. 4xgo (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Leucine-Rich Repeat Domain of APL1B
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  7. 4xgv (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Escherichia Coli Flavin Trafficking Protein, An Fmn Transferase
    Other atoms: Ca (4);
  8. 4xgw (Na: 3) - Crystal Structure of Escherichia Coli Flavin Trafficking Protein, An Fmn Transferase, E169K Mutant
    Other atoms: Ca (4);
  9. 4xhf (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Shewanella Oneidensis Nqrc
  10. 4xhq (Na: 4) - Re-Refinement the Crystal Structure of DSCAM1 Isoform 1.34, N-Terminal Four Ig Domains
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  11. 4xhs (Na: 7) - Crystal Structure of Human NLRP12 Pyd Domain and Implication in Homotypic Interaction
  12. 4xin (Na: 1) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of An Lpqh Orthologue From Mycobacterium Avium
  13. 4xj5 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Vibrio Cholerae Dncv 3'-Deoxy Gtp Bound Form
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  14. 4xjb (Na: 1) - X-Ray Structure of LYSOZYME1
    Other atoms: Cl (5);
  15. 4xjd (Na: 1) - X-Ray Structure of LYSOZYME2
    Other atoms: Cl (7);
  16. 4xjf (Na: 1) - X-Ray Structure of Lysozyme B1
    Other atoms: Br (5);
  17. 4xjg (Na: 1) - X-Ray Structure of Lysozyme B2
    Other atoms: Br (5);
  18. 4xjh (Na: 1) - X-Ray Structure of LYSOZYMES1
    Other atoms: Cl (5);
  19. 4xji (Na: 1) - X-Ray Structure of LYSOZYMES2
    Other atoms: Cl (8);
  20. 4xjk (Na: 10) - Crystal Structure of Mn(II) Ca(II) Na(I) Bound Calprotectin
    Other atoms: Mn (5); Ca (10);
  21. 4xk2 (Na: 3) - Crystal Structure of Aldo-Keto Reductase From Polaromonas Sp. JS666
    Other atoms: Cl (5);
  22. 4xkr (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Nika From Staphylococcus Aureus in Complex with Ni-(L-His)(2-Methyl-Thiazolidine Dicarboxylate) (Co-Crystallization with Ni(II) and Cddeltahis Medium Supernatant)
    Other atoms: Ni (1);
  23. 4xkv (Na: 1) - Tailspike Protein Mutant D339N of E. Coli Bacteriophage HK620
  24. 4xkw (Na: 3) - Tailspike Protein Mutant D339N of E. Coli Bacteriophage HK620 in Complex with Pentasaccharide
  25. 4xky (Na: 1) - Structure of Dihydrodipicolinate Synthase From the Commensal Bacterium Bacteroides Thetaiotaomicron at 2.1 A Resolution
  26. 4xl9 (Na: 1) - Tailspike Protein Mutant D339A of E. Coli Bacteriophage HK620
  27. 4xla (Na: 2) - Tailspike Protein Mutant D339A of E. Coli Bacteriophage HK620 in Complex with Pentasaccharide
  28. 4xlc (Na: 2) - Tailspike Protein Double Mutant D339N/E372A of E. Coli Bacteriophage HK620
  29. 4xle (Na: 3) - Tailspike Protein Double Mutant D339N/E372A of E. Coli Bacteriophage HK620 in Complex with Hexasaccharide
  30. 4xlf (Na: 3) - Tailspike Protein Double Mutant D339N/E372A of E. Coli Bacteriophage HK620 in Complex with Pentasaccharide
  31. 4xlh (Na: 1) - Tailspike Protein Double Mutant D339A/E372A of E. Coli Bacteriophage HK620
  32. 4xm3 (Na: 3) - Tailspike Protein Mutant E372A of E. Coli Bacteriophage HK620 in Complex with Pentasaccharide
  33. 4xmt (Na: 7) - Crystal Structure of MET260ALA Mutant of E. Coli Aminopeptidase N in Complex with L-2,3-Diaminopropionic Acid
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  34. 4xmu (Na: 3) - Crystal Structure of MET260ALA Mutant of E. Coli Aminopeptidase N in Complex with L-Alanine
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  35. 4xmv (Na: 3) - Crystal Structure of MET260ALA Mutant of E. Coli Aminopeptidase N in Complex with L-Arginine
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  36. 4xmw (Na: 7) - Crystal Structure of MET260ALA Mutant of E. Coli Aminopeptidase N in Complex with L-Aspartic Acid
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  37. 4xmx (Na: 5) - Crystal Structure of MET260ALA Mutant of E. Coli Aminopeptidase N in Complex with Bestatin
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  38. 4xmy (Na: 2) - Tailspike Protein Double Mutant D339A/E372A of E. Coli Bacteriophage HK620 in Complex with Pentasaccharide
  39. 4xmz (Na: 8) - Crystal Structure of MET260ALA Mutant of E. Coli Aminopeptidase N in Complex with 2,4-Diaminobutyric Acid
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  40. 4xn0 (Na: 1) - Tailspike Protein Mutant E372A of E. Coli Bacteriophage HK620
Page generated: Thu Dec 28 11:21:07 2023

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