Atomistry » Sodium » PDB 4m04-4mfa
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Sodium in PDB, part 112 (files: 4441-4480), PDB 4m04-4mfa

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Sodium (Na) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Sodium atoms. PDB files: 4441-4480 (PDB 4m04-4mfa).
  1. 4m04 (Na: 1) - Human Dna Polymerase Mu Ternary Complex
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Cl (1);
  2. 4m0w (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Sars-Cov Papain-Like Protease C112S Mutant in Complex with Ubiquitin
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  3. 4m1n (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Plasmodium Falciparum Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme UBC9
  4. 4m1p (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Copper-Sensing Repressor Csor with Cu(I) From Geobacillus Thermodenitrificans NG80-2
    Other atoms: Cu (1);
  5. 4m2y (Na: 2) - Structure of Human Dna Polymerase Beta Complexed with 8-Brg As the Template Base in A 1-Nucleotide Gapped Dna
    Other atoms: Br (1);
  6. 4m47 (Na: 3) - Structure of Human Dna Polymerase Complexed with 8-Brg in the Template Base Paired with Incoming Non-Hydrolyzable Gtp
    Other atoms: Br (1); Mg (1);
  7. 4m48 (Na: 2) - X-Ray Structure of Dopamine Transporter Elucidates Antidepressant Mechanism
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  8. 4m4n (Na: 2) - Structural Evaluation the Y358H Mutant of the Aspergillus Fumigatus Kdnase (Sialidase)
  9. 4m4o (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Aptamer Mine-Lysozyme Complex
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  10. 4m4s (Na: 4) - Gamma Subunit of the Translation Initiation Factor 2 From Sulfolobus Solfataricus in Complex with Gdp and Formate Ion Mimic AIF2GAMMA*Gdp*Pi Complex (A Formate Ion Substitutes For Pi)
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  11. 4m4u (Na: 1) - Structural Evaluation D84A Mutant of the Aspergillus Fumigatus Kdnase (Sialidase)
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  12. 4m4v (Na: 1) - Structural Evaluation R171L Mutant of the Aspergillus Fumigatus Kdnase (Sialidase)
  13. 4m53 (Na: 9) - Gamma Subunit of the Translation Initiation Factor 2 From Sulfolobus Solfataricus in Complex with Gdpcp
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  14. 4m5p (Na: 3) - OYE2.6 Y78W, I113C
  15. 4m60 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Macrolide Glycosyltransferases Oled
  16. 4m7p (Na: 20) - Ensemble Refinement of Protein Crystal Structure of Macrolide Glycosyltransferases Oled
  17. 4m8t (Na: 1) - RSK2 T493M C-Terminal Kinase Domain in Complex with 3-(3-(1H-Pyrazol- 4-Yl)Phenyl)-2-Cyanoacrylamide
  18. 4m99 (Na: 1) - Acetyltransferase Domain of Pglb From Neisseria Gonorrhoeae FA1090 in Complex with Acetyl Coenzyme A
  19. 4m9b (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Apo Ara H 8
  20. 4m9g (Na: 2) - Dna Polymerase Beta E295K Binary Complex
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  21. 4m9h (Na: 2) - Dna Polymerase Beta E295K Soaked with Dttp
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  22. 4m9j (Na: 2) - Dna Polymerase Beta E295K Soaked with Dumpnpp
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Cl (2);
  23. 4m9l (Na: 3) - Dna Polymerase Beta E295K Soaked with Dctp
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  24. 4m9n (Na: 2) - Dna Polymerase Beta E295K Soaked with Datp
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  25. 4m9u (Na: 2) - The Crystal Structure of Phosphoribosylaminoimidazole Carboxylase Atpase Subunit of Francisella Tularensis Subsp. Tularensis Schu S4
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  26. 4m9w (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ara H 8 with Mes Bound
  27. 4ma5 (Na: 2) - The Crystal Structure of Phosphoribosylaminoimidazole Carboxylase Atpase Subunit of Francisella Tularensis Subsp. Tularensis Schu S4 in Complex with An Atp Analog, Amp-Pnp.
  28. 4ma6 (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Ara H 8 with Epicatechin Bound
  29. 4mao (Na: 1) - RSK2 T493M C-Terminal Kinase Domain in Complex with RMM58
  30. 4map (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ara H 8 Purified with Heating
  31. 4mat (Na: 1) - E.Coli Methionine Aminopeptidase HIS79ALA Mutant
  32. 4mb3 (Na: 4) - Crystal Structure of E153Q Mutant of Cold-Adapted Chitinase From Moritella Marina
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  33. 4mb4 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of E153Q Mutant of Cold-Adapted Chitinase From Moritella Complex with NAG4
  34. 4mb5 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of E153Q Mutant of Cold-Adapted Chitinase From Moritella Complex with NAG5
  35. 4mb6 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase From Yersinia Pseudotuberculosis.
  36. 4mca (Na: 2) - Crystal Structure of Glycerol Dehydrogenase From Serratia to 1.9A
    Other atoms: Zn (4);
  37. 4mdx (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Bacillus Subtilis Mazf in Complex with Rna
    Other atoms: I (6);
  38. 4mf2 (Na: 2) - Structure of Human Dna Polymerase Beta Complexed with O6MG As the Template Base in A 1-Nucleotide Gapped Dna
  39. 4mf8 (Na: 2) - Structure of Human Dna Polymerase Beta Complexed with Nicked Dna Containing A Mismatched Template O6MG and Incoming Ctp
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  40. 4mfa (Na: 2) - Structure of Human Dna Polymerase Beta Complexed with Nicked Dna Containing A Mismatched Template O6MG and Incoming Ttp
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 11:35:23 2025

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