Atomistry » Sodium » PDB 6wnx-6xbh
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Sodium in PDB, part 228 (files: 9081-9120), PDB 6wnx-6xbh

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Sodium (Na) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Sodium atoms. PDB files: 9081-9120 (PDB 6wnx-6xbh).
  1. 6wnx (Na: 2) - FBXW11-SKP1 in Complex with A PSER33/PSER37 Beta-Catenin Peptide
  2. 6wo2 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of the GRB2 SH2 Domain in Complex with A Tripeptide: Ac-Py-AC6C-N-Isohexyl
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  3. 6wox (Na: 1) - Thermus Thermophilus Rna Polymerase Initially Transcribing Complex with 2'Dctp
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Zn (2);
  4. 6wqa (Na: 1) - 2.0A Angstrom A2A Adenosine Receptor Structure Using Xfel Data Collected in Helium Atmosphere.
  5. 6wqp (Na: 2) - GH5-4 Broad Specificity Endoglucanase From Ruminococcus Champanellensis
  6. 6wrk (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of 3RD-Generation Mj 3-Nitro-Tyrosine Trna Synthetase ("A7") Bound to 3-Nitro-Tyrosine
  7. 6wrl (Na: 1) - The Interaction of Chlorido(1,5-Cyclooctadiene)([4-(2-((Tert- Butoxycarbonyl)Amino)-3-Methoxy-3-Oxopropyl)-1,3-Dimethyl-1H- Imidazol-3-Ide])Rhodium(I) with Hewl After 1 Week
    Other atoms: Rh (1);
  8. 6wrm (Na: 1) - The Interaction of Chlorido(1,5-Cyclooctadiene)([4-(2-((Tert- Butoxycarbonyl)Amino)-3-Methoxy-3-Oxopropyl)-1,3-Dimethyl-1H- Imidazol-3-Ide])Rhodium(I) with Hewl After 1 Month
    Other atoms: Rh (3); Cl (2);
  9. 6wrn (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Mj 3-Nitro-Tyrosine Trna Synthetase (5B) C70A Variant Bound to 3-Nitro-Tyrosine
  10. 6wrq (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Mj 3-Nitro-Tyrosine Trna Synthetase (5B) S158C Variant Bound to 3-Nitro-Tyrosine
  11. 6wrt (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Mj 3-Nitro-Tyrosine Trna Synthetase (5B) C70A/S158C Variant Bound to 3-Nitro-Tyrosine
  12. 6wsa (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase From Burkholderia Pseudomallei Without Cofactor
  13. 6wsh (Na: 11) - Crystal Structure of Eutv From Enterococcus Faecalis
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  14. 6wth (Na: 1) - Full-Length Human Enac Ecd
  15. 6wtx (Na: 8) - Structure of Vcindy in Complex with Terephthalate
  16. 6wu6 (Na: 3) - Succinate-Coenzyme Q Reductase
    Other atoms: Fe (30);
  17. 6wue (Na: 1) - Tetragonal Crystal Form of Sbtb From Synechocystis PCC6803
  18. 6wur (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Prl-2 Phosphatase C101D Mutant in Complex with the Bateman Domain of CNNM3 Magnesium Transporter
  19. 6wx5 (Na: 1) - Adducts Formed After 3 Weeks in the Reaction of Chlorido[Chlorido(2, 2'-((2-([2,2':6',2''-Terpyridin]-4'-Yloxy)Ethyl)Azanediyl)Bis(Ethan- 1-Ol))Platinum(II)] with Hewl
    Other atoms: Pt (1);
  20. 6wy4 (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Wild Type Class D Beta-Lactamase From Clostridium Difficile 630
  21. 6wye (Na: 6) - Crystal Structure of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Serine Acetyltransferase (Cyse)
  22. 6wyf (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of Human H-Chain Ferritin Variant 157C Delta C-Star Modified with A Raft Agent Soaked in An Acrylate Solution
    Other atoms: Fe (2); Ca (11);
  23. 6wza (Na: 5) - Ni-Bound Structure of An Engineered Metal-Dependent Protein Trimer, TRICYT1
    Other atoms: Ni (1); Fe (3); Cl (6);
  24. 6wzb (Na: 6) - Crystal Structure of the Gltph V216C-G388C Mutant Cross-Linked with Divalent Mercury
    Other atoms: Hg (3);
  25. 6x01 (Na: 6) - Crystal Structure of the Gltph V216C-A391C Mutant Cross-Linked in Outward-Facing State
  26. 6x10 (Na: 3) - Crystal Structure of Acetyltransferase Eis From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Complex with Haloperidol
    Other atoms: F (1); Cl (2);
  27. 6x15 (Na: 9) - Inward-Facing State of the Glutamate Transporter Homologue Gltph in Complex with L-Aspartate and Sodium Ions
    Other atoms: Hg (3);
  28. 6x1q (Na: 8) - 1.8 Angstrom Resolution Structure of B-Galactosidase with A 200 Kv Cryoarm Electron Microscope
    Other atoms: Mg (8);
  29. 6x2z (Na: 3) - HEAAT3-Ofs-Asp
  30. 6x3e (Na: 3) - HEAAT3-Asymmetric-1O2I
  31. 6x3k (Na: 3) - Hsa Siglec and Unique Domains in Complex with 6S-Sialy-Lewisx
  32. 6x3q (Na: 2) - Hsa Siglec and Unique Domains in Complex with 3'Sialyl-N- Acetyllactosamine Trisaccharide
  33. 6x4i (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of NSP15 Endoribonuclease From Sars Cov-2 in the Complex with 3'-Uridinemonophosphate
  34. 6x5j (Na: 1) - Discovery of Hydroxy Pyrimidine Factor Ixa Inhibitors
  35. 6x5l (Na: 1) - Discovery of Hydroxy Pyrimidine Factor Ixa Inhibitors
  36. 6x5w (Na: 3) - Peptide-Bound Structure of Marinomonas Primoryensis Peptide-Binding Domain
    Other atoms: Ca (18);
  37. 6x9h (Na: 1) - Molecular Mechanism and Structural Basis of Small-Molecule Modulation of Acid-Sensing Ion Channel 1 (ASIC1)
  38. 6xat (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Human FOXP4 Dna Binding Domain
  39. 6xbg (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19) Main Protease in Complex with Inhibitor UAW246
  40. 6xbh (Na: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19) Main Protease in Complex with Inhibitor UAW247
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 11:39:52 2025

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