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Sodium perhydroxide, NaHO2

When absolute ethyl alcohol reacts with sodium peroxide at 0° C., a perhydroxide of the formula O:NaOH is produced, a reaction discovered by Tafel:

C2H5OH + Na2O2 - O:NaOH + C2H5ONa.

The substance is a white powder, and undergoes explosive decomposition when heated in the dry condition, oxygen being evolved and sodium hydroxide formed. It is soluble in water, and under the influence of heat the solution decomposes without explosion, the products formed being similar to those obtained from the dry substance. Another perhydroxide supposed to have the formula NaOOH is produced by the interaction of sodium ethoxide and hydrogen peroxide:


Like the other form, it is a powerful oxidizer, and yields an alkaline solution decomposed by heat with evolution of oxygen. Carbon dioxide converts it into sodium hydrogen percarbonate, NaHCO4. It is more stable than Tafel's product.

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