Atomistry » Sodium » PDB 5pt5-5pub
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Sodium in PDB, part 168 (files: 6681-6720), PDB 5pt5-5pub

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Sodium (Na) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Sodium atoms. PDB files: 6681-6720 (PDB 5pt5-5pub).
  1. 5pt5 (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 149)
  2. 5pt6 (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 150)
  3. 5pt7 (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 151)
  4. 5pt8 (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 152)
  5. 5pt9 (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 153)
  6. 5pta (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 154)
  7. 5ptb (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 155)
  8. 5ptc (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 156)
  9. 5pte (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 157)
  10. 5ptf (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 158)
  11. 5ptg (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 159)
  12. 5pth (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 160)
  13. 5ptj (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 161)
  14. 5ptk (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 162)
  15. 5ptl (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 163)
  16. 5ptm (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 164)
  17. 5ptn (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 165)
  18. 5pto (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 167)
  19. 5ptq (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 168)
  20. 5ptr (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 169)
  21. 5pts (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 170)
  22. 5ptt (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 171)
  23. 5ptu (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 172)
  24. 5ptv (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 173)
  25. 5ptw (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 174)
  26. 5ptx (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 175)
  27. 5pty (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 176)
  28. 5ptz (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 177)
  29. 5pu0 (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 178)
  30. 5pu1 (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 179)
  31. 5pu2 (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 180)
  32. 5pu3 (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 181)
  33. 5pu4 (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 182)
  34. 5pu5 (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 183)
  35. 5pu6 (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 184)
  36. 5pu7 (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 185)
  37. 5pu8 (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 186)
  38. 5pu9 (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 187)
  39. 5pua (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 188)
  40. 5pub (Na: 1) - Pandda Analysis Group Deposition -- Crystal Structure of BRD1 After Initial Refinement with No Ligand Modelled (Structure 189)
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 11:37:31 2025

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